Matlab Problem: setappdata and structure arrays
It turns out my old code is not as messy as I thought. There are lots of comments, and it is relatively logically structured. I have decided to just modify the old code.
So, I try and run it. And
it crashes on the Initialise routine.
For some reason, the code that used to work, no longer works. That's OK.
It is what I expected.
However, I have spent the last hour trying to figure out why it doesn't work, and
I am stuck. I think it should work. I think the documentation says it should work, but the documentation is not very explicit.
The problem is on the setappdata function:
It doesn't like the fields (ie "isosurf" and "M"). It is quite happy if I just do this:
setappdata(STVFig, 'dataset',[]);
But I don't want to do just that. I want
dataset to be a structure array like this:
- isosurf
- M
- O
- isopatch
- M
- O
I can't figure out how to define the dataset structure in the setappdata function. Usually, you can just add a field like this:
dataset.isosurf.M = [];
I have tried setting up the fields, and then using that in the setappdata function, eg:
dataset.isosurf.M =1;
dataset.isosurf.O = 2;
but that doesn't seem to be working either.
I think I need more coffee. I really want chocolate, but I know if I go home, I won't come back.
Technorati Tags: matlab, gui, setappdata, appdata, structure, field