Spatio Temporal Aquarium
Data Cursor Again
Aaargh!!! How frustrating.
The data cursor does not seem to work on my grid data. It only works on my vector data.
I can select a vertex on a line, or part of a patch/surface, but I am a little stuck on how to select a voxel. This could be a major stumbling block.
Major hacking ahead.
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Meeting Minutes
Since the last meeting I have done the following:
- Converted STVTool to new version of matlab
- Started implementing frizzle (am stuck on getting 3d point information into program)
- Asked TMCM for data
- Started this blog to record progress
- I have had extra work committments, so thesis work time was limited to one weekend.
Over the next couple of weeks I have a relatively light workload at work (ie standard 40 hour week) so I plan to:
- Continue Frizzle implementation
- Obtain TMCM's data before he flits off overseas
- Obtain Halifax data from Pip
- Tidy up data input/selection
- Write something
- Investigate TerraSeer
- Investigate NZ ESRI User conference
Next meeting: 8am 20th July
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To Do
To Do Over next two weeks:
1. Get Data sets from Otto (he is making me a dvd of a voxel data set)
2. Implement that thing that uses datacursor mode.
3. Tidy up Data set input/scaling.
4. Write something.
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My thesis blog.
Matlab. GIS. Visualization. Spatio-temporal. Time Geography. Aquarium.