Spatio Temporal Aquarium
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
  Data Cursor Again

Aaargh!!! How frustrating.

The data cursor does not seem to work on my grid data. It only works on my vector data.
I can select a vertex on a line, or part of a patch/surface, but I am a little stuck on how to select a voxel. This could be a major stumbling block.

Major hacking ahead.


Frustrating? You've just made my brain explode!
People read this? :-)

It is mostly me talking to myself in code. With the occasional matlab/gis tip.
I was reading Dismal-Soy-Anz and saw you comment, natural curiosity ended with me here. I'm busy working on vector maps at the moment for a pet project, so this was an interesting (If brain hurting) read ;)
If it is not top secret, I'm curious...what's the pet project?
Currently it is a little top secret. I'm hoping to become a squizaliionare off it. The basic idea is related to roads and roading - does that help sate the curiosity?
a squizillionaire sounds very cool :)
it is my concerted opinion that you might want to review the specific qualities of the space-time voxel you are attempting to manipulate. Perhaps a different term; one that acknowledges the temporal component of these discrete entities. "Taxel", perhaps? ;-)
It could be easy to get confused between tcm and tmcm!!!

Is "taxel" the appropriate term? Hmmm...guess I shoudl read your book ;)
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